Family…a sense of belonging

It’s Family Day, here, in Ontario, Canada.

Family Day originated in Alberta in 1990, but is not observed in all Canadian provinces. Perhaps the provincial government of the day felt we Ontarians were missing out on a holiday observed by our western provinces, thus jumping on board in 2008.

Whatever the reason, family day is meant to be a day in recognition of the importance of home & family.

Which got me to thinking…

Family comes to us in various forms over the course of our lifetime.

There is the family we are born into and there is the family we choose along that winding road we call life.

Family are the people we turn to for all things. To celebrate milestones, to seek guidance, to offer respite, to receive comfort, to share joy. To lend an ear, offer a shoulder to cry on, or to give an honest opinion when we really need one.

It doesn’t matter who you deem to be family, only that you have family in your life who offer you a sense of belonging.

For isn’t that the true definition of what family is? A sense of belonging.

And so, as I reflect on those people in my life I consider to be family, know that I hold each & every one of you deep in my heart. I am ever so grateful to have you in my life.

On this day & every day, I want you to know, not only how much you mean to me, but how much you enrich my life by just being in my circle and giving me a sense of belonging .

Happy Family Day! 💗



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Be a Goldfish

It’s that time of year again folks, the start of brand new year, and a time when humans all over the world vow to do or be better in some capacity. 

Eating better, drinking less, finding more work/life balance, exercising more, travelling more, being kinder, being more tolerant, being more caring. The list is endless. 

Although I have never been a fan of making resolutions, even I will admit there is something refreshing about turning over a calendar and beginning a new year.

Which brings me to the reason for this post and one of my favourite sayings from the wonderful series, Ted Lasso.

Be a Goldfish.

Ted takes us on a journey of what it looks like to be a good human. To have integrity, to chose positive words and actions when it comes to the treatment of other people. He touches the lives of each and every person who has the good fortune to come into contact with him.

Good, bad or indifferent, it matters not.

Ted is an eternal optimist, definitely a glass half full kind of guy. 

And so, when one of his players feels the frustration of missing an opportunity on the field, followed by a fellow teammate calling him out, only adding to his frustration, Coach Lasso calls the irritated player over and asks him a rather odd question. 

Do you know what the happiest animal on earth is?

Looking at his coach rather perplexed, Ted goes on to explain that the happiest animal on earth is a goldfish, because they only have a ten second memory. 


I’ll just let that percolate for a wee moment.

In a world where judgement and unkind words are thrown around carelessly and often anonymously, without concern for how they may impact another human, when another persons actions feel more like an attack than encouragement, it can be easy to react negatively and to lash out.  

Be A Goldfish.

Thanks for that little nugget Ted, and the hundreds of other wonderful moments written into this character and series!

Be A Goldfish scene from Ted Lasso

Wishing you a very happy new year. May 2024 bring you all that you wish for. 

As always, thank you so much continuing to read my little musings. 



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To You & Yours

As we race towards the finish line of this holiday season, it seems a good time to pause and reflect for just a moment.

So many of us have such high expectations as to what this time of year should look like. The reality is, not many of us fall into the picture perfect category, in spite of our best efforts.

And so, with that in mind, here is my wish for you & yours this holiday season.

I hope you find yourself surrounded by those you love, whether they are physically present or with you in spirit, may your heart be full of love.

I wish you precious moments of absolute joy. The squeal of delight from a little one, a shared belly laugh, a quiet moment to just breathe, may you find joy in whatever makes your heart sing.

I wish you stories to reflect on, both past & present. May you share laughter and tears in recalling these memories and recognize the importance of both remembering them and creating new ones for generations to come.

I wish you patience. The patience to just let the chaos happen & the patience to accept the not-so-perfect moments, for I guarantee, they will!

Lastly, I wish you the grace to take a moment and give thought and understanding to this precious time spent with those you find in your company this holiday season.  There can be no greater gift than the gift of time. Time is fleeting and so very precious.

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and holiday season.



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As many of us Canadians find ourselves sitting around a table this weekend, celebrating Thanksgiving with family and friends, we will most likely take a moment to give thought to what we are grateful for.

In the dictionary, Gratitude is defined as the quality of being thankful; a readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

I liken gratitude in the same category as wisdom.

With each passing year, we have the opportunity to collect a little more life experience, thus filling our hearts with as much love as we possibly can, and our minds with a little more wisdom we may have gathered along the road of life.

With gratitude, comes more wisdom, with wisdom, comes more gratitude.

The longer the road, the more grateful I feel.

I hope that you are surrounded by loved ones and friends, feeling a sense of gratitude for everyone and everything that is good in your life.

We have much to be grateful for.

Happy Thanksgiving!


L 💛

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When Paths Cross

Have you ever given thought to the number of people we cross paths with in our lifetime and the impact they may have in doing so?

Some we may only meet for a brief moment in time, some ebb and flow in and out of our life over the years, some are a constant for the duration of our time here on earth.

It is in the crossing of paths we feel the impact of that person touching our life, for however long that may be.

I was recently reminded of this kind of impact through a long-lost fellow classmate, someone I had not seen in 40+ years.

Allow me explain.

In May 2020, my graduating year from high school was planning a 40th reunion. Unfortunately, Covid put an abrupt halt to those plans, but after 2 1/2 years of rescheduling numerous times, in October 2022, we finally managed to get a date on the calendar.

Thus our 40+2 reunion happened.

I feel so fortunate to have had a very positive experience in high school. I had a wonderful group of friends and a solid place to fall while navigating my teen years. I recognize this is not the case for everyone.

What I find most interesting in having the opportunity to reunite as adults, thus crossing paths once again, is to listen to everyone’s stories and experiences, how they perceived life in those formative teen years and of course, where life has taken them.

As adults, the differences &/or misconceptions we may or may not have felt as teenagers, all but fade away as we share laughter and stories of our memories and experiences of those days we spent together oh so long ago.

Class of 79/80 represented!

While in the midst of planning our reunion, one of our committee members shared with us that sadly, one of our former high school classmates had just been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer.

His journey & his openness to share his experience, is largely what prompted this post.

Peter Bacon was a talented musician, remembered by anyone who attended our high school in that era. To be honest, I didn’t know Pete all that well in those days, our paths didn’t cross a whole lot in our social circles, but I certainly knew who he was. He was that cool guy, much too cool for the likes of me, who blew us away with his talent, as he cranked out tunes on the piano during our Folk Club concerts.

Iconic pic of Pete doing what he loved most, playing his heart out during a Folk Club Concert
Photo Credit – OCVI Acta Ludi ’78/’79

Until recently, I knew even less of what Pete’s life had become beyond that era.

But it seems our paths were destined to cross once more, through his candid and open attitude in sharing his challenging journey.

What struck me most in every message he shared, in spite of the diagnosis he was facing, was his positive attitude, his never-ending sense of optimism, his immense gratitude for each and every day he was gifted, and for all of the love bestowed upon him.

Sadly Peter lost his fight with his cancer on May 10, 2023. A few weeks after his death, Peter’s family extended an open invitation to share in his Celebration of Life, live-streamed from Cabos, Mexico, where Pete resided and performed for the past number of years.

I found myself opening my computer and listening to his family and friends honouring his life, learning so much about the classmate I once knew briefly, so many years ago.

I learned of a man who lived his life doing what he loved most, entertaining & touching the lives of people who had the opportunity to hear his music. His smile, his goofy faces, his love for music and his positive energy shone through in every picture, every video and every person that spoke about him.

As his Celebration of Life drew to a close, I closed my computer and found myself uttering, “WOW”, out loud. Although Pete’s life was taken much too soon, I couldn’t help but think what a full & glorious life he lived.

Peter, thank you for inadvertently and perhaps even unknowingly, meandering back across my path. Thank you for reminding me how very precious life is and that regardless of the challenges we are facing, there is joy to be found in each and every moment we are gifted.

I wish your family and those closest to you, lighter hearts in the days ahead, as they move forward without your physical presence. May they find peace in knowing you were surrounded in love, and clearly left an impact on each and every life you touched. I hope wherever you are, you are have found yourself a piano, once again basking in the sharing of your joyous gift of both music and love.

We can never know the impact we may make in crossing paths with people as we make our way through life. I encourage you to carefully & lovingly leave your footprint in the most positive way possible.

I leave you with one of Pete’s inspiring videos he shared, post brain surgery & in the midst of treatment. His attitude inspires me and I have no doubt he will forever be held in the hearts of all who loved him. Play on my friend!

I am ever so grateful our paths crossed.

Peter Bacon – Oh What a Beautiful Morning



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Sir Charles

For anyone who has ever been blessed to welcome a fur baby into their family fold, they know the absolute joy that comes from having them in our life, but they also understand the incredible heartache that comes from having to say goodbye.

About 13 years ago, after years of riding, showing and working with horses in various capacities, my daughter K realized a little girl dream she had had for many, many years.

The dream of one day owning her own horse.

Charlie was about 9 years old when he came to my daughter, and had not had the best life, as is sadly an all too common story, for this beautiful and often misunderstood animal.

Having been rather neglected in his formative years, he was not necessarily a big fan of most humans. He feared they didn’t have his best interests at heart, thus not always behaving as was expected from him.

This behaviour never phased my daughter. Instead, she affectionately gave him the nickname Sir Charles, a nod to his rather needy & quirky personality. She loved him for exactly who he was, warts and all.

Charlie & K in early days

K spent years developing a deep bond with this beautiful being, gifting him her never-ending patience, her trust in his ability and most importantly, loving him completely, in spite of his antics.

In return, he gifted her his trust and complete faith in knowing she would take care of him. The bond they shared between them was deep and beautiful.

Introducing Charlie to a small human

Sadly & unexpectedly this past week, my daughter had to make the gut wrenching decision to say goodbye to her beloved Charles.

For those who have had to make this kind of decision, you know the heartbreak of which I speak.

There is an indescribable kind of unconditional love that comes from sharing our lives with our fur babies. We love them so deeply and the grief we feel when we lose them is profound.

I find myself at a complete loss as to how to find the words to comfort my daughter in losing her beloved boy.

And so I write.

In my attempt to find some words of comfort, I leave you with what I think Charlie himself would want you to know.

I believe, first and foremost, Charlie would want to share with you how incredibly grateful he was to have found you. You gifted him a safe place to exist, accepting him for all that he was and all that he wasn’t, providing him with the opportunity to learn to trust his human.

I think he would apologize for all the times he was less than cooperative in his actions and his shenanigans, as you so patiently kept trying to teach him that it would all be okay. No matter how many times he succumbed to what he deemed to be fearful, you just got back on and gave him the reassurance he needed to continue.

I am certain he would thank you for the never ending supply of yummy treats and countless brushings, always making him feel so completely loved. Quiet time spent together in both the best moments and most challenging moments of life together, needing no words spoken to understand the depth of love felt for one another.

I have no doubt he was forever indebted to you for the copious amount of shoes he lost or threw and the warm blankets he tore or destroyed, always making his comfort a priority.

He would want you to know that you are the most patient and incredible human, always having faith in him to overcome his fears, no matter how ridiculous they may have seemed.

Most of all, I think Charlie would tell you how eternally grateful he was for the life you gifted him. Without your unconditional love and care for him, his life may have looked very different. Because of you, he had the opportunity to grow and develop into such a beautiful and happy being.

Even on his last day, you remained steadfast in your love for him, making the most difficult decision a human ever has to make for their fur baby. Setting aside the feeling of having your heart ripped out of your chest, you made the decision that was best for him.

One of my very favourite pics of K & Charlie, sharing a moment together.

I promise you that the heaviness you feel in these early days, will feel a little less burdensome as the days and weeks pass. In time that heaviness is replaced by the knowing of the incredible bond you shared and the beautiful memories of the time you spent together.

Rest In Peace Sir Charles. Run freely wherever your spirit takes you and know that you were deeply loved and will forever be held in the heart of your beautiful kindred spirit, K.



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Sit Down. Talk. Listen.

One of the things I love most about travel, is the opportunity to meet people in different parts of the world. Their cultures and customs may be dissimilar to my own, they may practice a religion I don’t completely understand, they may look very different to the image I see in my own reflection, but what I have come to understand through these experiences, is that, for the most part, people are just people.

If we just take the time to sit down, to talk as human beings, and more importantly, to listen, we will mostly likely discover that we are all seeking similar basic principles in our time here on earth.

We hope to live a peaceful & harmonious life, we strive to protect and to provide for our families, we share a desire to have both the opportunity and the ability, to prosper and grow.

After recently watching an episode of a Netflix doc series*, I was once again reminded of my feelings about travel and my “people are just people” viewpoint.

In this particular episode, the hosts had spent some time with leaders and representatives of Aboriginal communities in Australia, learning a bit about their connection to the land and the way in which they conduct themselves through their beliefs and culture.

Near the end of the episode, they are joined by Bruce Pascoe, an author and a professor of Indigenous Agriculture studies at the University of Melbourne. When asked the question of how can we learn more about, and better understand the indigenous ways, his response was a very simple one. He suggested that we need to sit down, have a cup of tea, talk and listen.

I recognize how simplistic this sounds, but in a world where we appear to be increasingly at odds with one another on multiple issues, it seems we could all benefit from just being able to sit down and talk, human to human, setting aside our need to be right, and just hear each others perspectives, even if we don’t agree on all things. Perhaps in doing so, we can strive to have a better understanding and respectfully move forward to coexist together.

It is a simplistic message, yet one that resonates with me so strongly.

If we don’t start finding ways to celebrate our differences, to be respectful towards one another, to learn from each other and to love one another as human beings, I fear what the future holds for all of us.

So the next time you find yourself in a place where you may or may not know the person next to you, whether it be in a familiar or an unfamiliar place, I encourage you to strike up a conversation, human to human. You might be surprised what you learn.



*The Netflix Series is Down to Earth, this particular episode can be found in Season 2, Episode 7, titled, Aboriginal Voices


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Precious Time & Doing the Math

“Life gets mighty precious when there’s less of it to waste.” Bonnie Raitt

It seems the universe of late, in a variety of ways, has been gently reminding me of how very precious time is.

Precious time with family and with friends. Precious time to discover new things and precious time to explore destinations I have dreamed of visiting.

So how does math figure into all of this, you might ask?

I am no mathlete but I have figured this much out!

When we are younger, there appears to be an infinite amount of time in front of us.

At the age of 61, when I give thought to doing the math of the time that may or may not lay ahead, I understand from experience, just how quickly that time will elapse.

That time estimation doesn’t include factoring in any circumstances that could instantly redefine what that timeline might look like.

Have I lost you yet?🤔

(I am having flashbacks of those dreaded math problems involving trains and how many stops they made and how fast they were going and how many people may have been on them, all culminating in what time they would arrive in a certain city. )

But my message is simply this.

The math is merely a reminder of how very precious the moments, the days and the years are. In doing the math, I am reminded there is indeed, less time to waste.

As the moments and days of my life continue on, I am innately aware of those who are no longer present with me here on earth.

I feel gratitude in being given the opportunity to experience the process of aging, for I know all too well there are those who will never encounter what that feels like.

I’ve done that math.

Regardless of your age, I encourage you to use your precious time wisely.



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The Best Possible Version of You

Happy New Year!

I saw this quote awhile backquote & it struck me how much energy we expend on being who we think we should be, rather than simply getting comfortable with who we are.

We all know what we could strive to do better in various areas of our lives.

My only caution would be to ask yourself why you are putting forth the effort to make those changes?

Is it because you are trying to live up to someone else’s expectations?

Or is it because, in making those changes, it allows you to be the best possible version of yourself?

Give yourself permission to sift through the expectations of others and instead focus on what is right for you.

Be the best possible version of yourself, whoever that might be!

Happy New Year my friends and as always, thanks for reading!



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Two Peas in Pod

I am incredibly fortunate to have a number of remarkable women in my life, all of whom I consider family. They are my sisters by choice.

This past weekend I had the privilege of spending a couple of glorious cottage days with one of those sisters by choice. We are, in so many ways, two peas in a pod.

We both share a mutual love for outdoor activities and an appreciation for the physical ability to be able to enjoy all that we love to do. Winter, spring, summer, or fall, it matters not. We rely on each other to sometimes nudge the other to get out & explore all that Mother Nature gifts us over the changing seasons.

The autumn season, for both of us, is an absolute favourite. The crispness in the air, the vibrant colours of the changing landscape in preparation for winter. The smell & the sound of the fallen leaves crunching under your feet. Listening to the quiet of the forest and the sound of the wind gently blowing through the trees. Taking the opportunity to soak in the warmth of the sun that will soon be sinking a little further south as winter sets in.

In a addition to a few hikes, we had hoped the weather would cooperate enough over the weekend to give us one last chance to get out for a paddle on the lake. And so, in spite of the very cool temperatures on our last morning together, we both instinctively felt Mother Nature beckoning us to join her on the lake for an end of season paddle.

Still in our pjs, sipping our coffees by the freshly lit cottage wood stove, it took nary a moment for us to make eye contact and know that we were destined for the lake. The sun was shining and there was adventure to be had.

After donning a few layers and filling our coffee thermoses, we launched our kayaks & set out for one last paddle. Mother Nature did not disappoint. She rarely does.

Such quiet beauty

There is something so incredibly beautiful about the sunlight this time of year, the way it casts a subtle golden hue and reflects off the vibrant reds of the turning leaves on the trees. If you allow yourself to sit quiet for just a moment to drink it in, it will take your breath away.

We two peas in a pod, couldn’t have felt more full of gratitude, as we just sat silently floating together in our kayaks in the middle of the bay, sipping on our coffee & taking in the scene & the quiet. It is in those very special, small quiet moments in life, that we feel a sense of magic that can only be described as pure joy.

This is what pure joy looks like!

We floated & paddled for almost 3 hours in pure bliss, exploring the lake & taking in the stunning vista Mother Nature had created for us to enjoy. Upon our return, our hearts were full.

A beautiful, adventurous soul.

Thank you, my sunshine friend, for sharing so many magical moments together and for always being up for an adventure.



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