

I think as we age, we tend to pay a little more attention to those small indicators we hear every day in our heads.  Reminders that time is so very precious, that we need to act on those things we still wish to accomplish.

We tend to love a little deeper and to cherish those times spent with our loved ones a little more.

We finally develop the ability to not be so concerned of what others might think of us, realising we all possess a variety of weaknesses & faults.  It is what makes us human.

Over my 50+ years, I have learned much about myself, yet there is still so much to uncover.  In more recent years, I have discovered that I enjoy writing & thus the creation of this little blog.  I enjoy sharing my thoughts & my experiences, but equally as important, I love reading about you & your experiences.

I believe we can all benefit from sharing with one another, whether it be happy or sad.  We do so in the hopes that, in speaking out & sharing our stories, we may reach someone who who is on a similar journey.  Perhaps in the process, we may offer a wee bit of guidance, share a laugh together, or simply touch a life in a positive way.

It is with this sentiment that I hope to write.  You do not have to be over 50 to join in the conversation.  The name is simply my reference to the fact that there is indeed, Life After 50. In fact, there is life beyond all ages, we only need to grab hold & experience it.

Life after 50 has its ups & downs, but I wouldn’t trade my life experience for anything. I hope to share with you & I hope that you share with me. Together, we may impact each other & grow from that connection.



40 Responses to About

  1. Hi, I have nominated you for the Shine On award! Check out more details here -> http://mindurspirit.wordpress.com/2013/09/15/i-have-been-told-to-shine-on/ .

    Great job so far, keep blogging 🙂

    • Lynn says:

      Thank you so much Prithi! This is so lovely…haven’t had a chance to continue the nomination but promise to do so as soon as I have an opportunity:)

  2. joannesisco says:

    I loved reading some of your posts and your observations on life and the world around you. Thank you for visiting my blog and giving me the opportunity to ‘meet’ you. I look forward to reading your future adventures!

  3. Ned's Blog says:

    That’s the kind of outlook that will make the years ahead of more rewarding. Possibly even more sober… 😉 At age 47, I’m closing in on you Lynn!

  4. sueslaght says:

    Sounds like we share adventurous spirits…and similar ages 🙂 Let’s live big I say!

  5. Lynn, thank you for stopping by my blog today. I am going to enjoy reading your words. DAF

  6. Uncle Spike says:

    Hello Lynn…

    I was recently ‘told off’ by a blogger (not a follower I might add), who said my style of ‘welcome’ note was very much against blogging etiquette. Hmm, well I hope not to cause offence, but as you volunteered to become a follower of Uncle Spike’s Adventures, I just wanted to catch up and say “thank you, and that I appreciate your ‘follow’ as there are so many interesting and entertaining blogs out there.

    Good to hear that you found us via Sue’s blog; nice to keep it ‘in the family’, so to speak. You’ll often see/hear me refer to Spikey’s, the daft name associated with followers of this blog, but seriously, glad to welcome you on board.

    Blogging since June 2013, my aim is to deliver an eclectic offering of posts, from my ‘point n shoot’ attempts at basic photography, to the sharing of my travel adventures over the decades, as well as day to day happenings here on our farm in Turkey. Oh, plus a few observations, opinions and lighter-hearted stuff thrown in for good measure.

    I normally keep to a couple of posts a day, maybe 3-4 at weekends if I have something special to share. But if you are at a loose end one day, maybe you’ll enjoy trawling through some of my older stuff too. I have added plenty of categories to help in said digging process. That’s not me trying to be pushy or ‘spamming’, but just want you to know what I’m all about.

    Thanks again and hope you have a great day…

    • Lynn says:

      Great to meet you Uncle Spike! I would say the blogger that told you off takes themselves way too seriously!

      I started blogging around the same time, in May 2013. A mixed bag of things as well. The name Life After 50 came to me as I hear so many people complaining about aging. My philosophy is to embrace aging & experience all that I can! I write about many things, including some of my travels, ( I have many more I need to write about!), family, and anything else that pops in to my head!

      Thank you so much for introducing yourself! I looking forward to reading:)

  7. Jodi says:

    Oh Lynn – I’m so glad you “found me!” I look forward to getting to know you!! I think you are right, we have much in common!! Cheers!

  8. 4wallsnaroof says:

    Love your blog! As an “over 50er” myself I agree wholeheartedly with you philosophy. I find I am a lot more brave than I was when I was younger and I care less about what stranger might think! It’s very liberating.

  9. Lynn says:

    Thank you so much for visiting, for the kind comments & the follow! It is truly appreciated! I will be sure to pop over & check your blog out as well:)

  10. Pingback: Festival of Leaves 2015: Week #1 | Festival of Leaves

  11. Lynn – life after 50 is good. But I am one of the fortunate. It’s not that way for everyone.

  12. Lynn says:

    I too, am very fortunate Bruce. For the most part, I have a very good life & I am so grateful for it. One could argue that no matter what our age, life can be difficult & certainly full of challenges. Some definitely seem to experience more challenges than others, that’s for sure!

  13. Sherri says:

    So inspiring and so true! I’m looking forward very much to sharing the journey with you Lynn, how wonderful to meet you, thank you for bringing smiles and warmth to my heart today! 🙂 Sherri

  14. I love your perspective on Life after 50, and it helps me to keep my sights on the goal, as i am quickly approaching the 50 mark in a few years. 😉 I am looking forward to reading more!

  15. Antonio says:

    “Life after 50??”
    Life begins at 40 years!!
    hello Lynn 🙂

  16. I just popped over here from Joanne’s blog and I like what I read! I look forward to following your posts.

  17. bobspen says:

    Lynn, thank you so much for your blog. I would agree that despite one’s age there is much to learn. Since I am now over 70, I have yet to convince my mind that I am this age. My body is very quick to remind me when I attempt to do those things that I could do back in my 40’s or even 50’s. However, I am beginning to resolve to listen to my body more now. I too love to blog and have been blogging for over 5 years now. Keep it up!

    • Lynn says:

      I agree, as we age, although we don’t feel a whole lot older, our bodies sometimes remind us that we are not as resilient as we used to be. Keep that young spirit! Thanks for visiting!

  18. Pingback: Camp 30 – My Life Lived Full

  19. So glad to have found your through Gallivance. And looking forward to reading more of your travels, adventures, and commentaries on life. Thanks, too, for following our travel blog: Oh, the Places We See.

  20. Pingback: A Killer Dream, the 2021 Reveal, and Winners! – Susie Lindau's Wild Ride

  21. beckymomany says:

    Hi Lynn,

    I stumbled upon your blog when I was researching my upcoming trip to the Cotswolds next summer (2025) I had booked accommodations via Airbnb in Blockley for a month mid June – mid July. So when I added it to my search words, Little Forge Blockley, your blog about Blockley was near the top of my search. Much to my surprise I see that you have also stayed at the same accommodation Little Forge, during your stay in Blockley.
    Thank you for your posts about the area and Blockley. Your experience with the accommodation and the town has put my mind to rest that I have indeed made the right choice.

    I am also over 50 (58) and as a solo woman traveler, I am always appreciative of other people’s experiences. I have enjoyed your blogs immensely. Becky

    • Lynn says:

      Thank you so much for visiting and reading Becky! We absolutely loved our time in the Cotswolds and Blockley was the perfect fit for us as a jumping off point. We tend to like to stay a little off the beaten path so as to immerse ourselves a little more than a typical tourist destination. Little Forge is such a beautiful property, the cottage has everything you need and is so quaint. Hope you have an amazing time! Lynn💕

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