Family…a sense of belonging

It’s Family Day, here, in Ontario, Canada.

Family Day originated in Alberta in 1990, but is not observed in all Canadian provinces. Perhaps the provincial government of the day felt we Ontarians were missing out on a holiday observed by our western provinces, thus jumping on board in 2008.

Whatever the reason, family day is meant to be a day in recognition of the importance of home & family.

Which got me to thinking…

Family comes to us in various forms over the course of our lifetime.

There is the family we are born into and there is the family we choose along that winding road we call life.

Family are the people we turn to for all things. To celebrate milestones, to seek guidance, to offer respite, to receive comfort, to share joy. To lend an ear, offer a shoulder to cry on, or to give an honest opinion when we really need one.

It doesn’t matter who you deem to be family, only that you have family in your life who offer you a sense of belonging.

For isn’t that the true definition of what family is? A sense of belonging.

And so, as I reflect on those people in my life I consider to be family, know that I hold each & every one of you deep in my heart. I am ever so grateful to have you in my life.

On this day & every day, I want you to know, not only how much you mean to me, but how much you enrich my life by just being in my circle and giving me a sense of belonging .

Happy Family Day! 💗



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22 Responses to Family…a sense of belonging

  1. Lynn, I haven’t heard of family day, but it sounds like a wonderful tradition. We’ve moved around a lot so we have lots of first hand experience of the changing definition of family in our lives. A good analogy for me is that of a circle. There’s your real family (related by blood) inside the circle, and then your adopted family as well. Over the course of life situations change, people change, and we change. And consequently, the circle gets larger and smaller, with people coming and going all the time. But, at the root of all this is exactly what you say: a sense of belonging – for us and our family. Good reminder post. ~James

    • Lynn says:

      I think it is a holiday uniquely celebrated in Canada and even then, not observed by all provinces. I suspect the same concept is celebrated in various ways in different parts of the world.

      I love your analogy James! Our circles ebb and flow throughout our lives; I am so incredibly grateful for those in mine. Hope you & Terri are both well💕

  2. Glen MacDonald says:

    Hugs back!! 😘

  3. restlessjo says:

    It sounds like a good thing to celebrate to me, Lynn. Happy Family Day 🤗🩷

  4. Family Day sounds like a wonderful celebration!

  5. Sounds like a wonderful way to recognize families. Thanks for sharing, Lynn

  6. Janette says:

    Love this! A sense of belonging is a perfect description of “family” (blood or extended or other). This makes me reflect on my UW family and how we met! That was such a great chapter for me and my life was so enriched by that experience and especially the friends I made along the way! 😊💜🎶

    Sending hugs GF!
    Happy Family Day! 💜

    • Lynn says:

      There are people we meet in life who we immediately form a bond with. You are one of those gems my friend. Thank you so much for your beautiful comment . 💕

  7. Ally Bean says:

    Family is how you define it. Lovely thoughts here. Canada is ahead of the game with this holiday.

  8. Ann Coleman says:

    I completely agree! Sometimes family is the people we’re related to, biologically. Other times, it is the people we deliberately form relationships with. Either way, they make life worth living!

  9. dfolstad58 says:

    I believe that Ann Coleman (above) expressed my thoughts perfectly. Some friends are family and some family are only friends. What is important is the other 364 days a year as we let our “family” that we acknowledge those who hold a place in our hearts.

    • Lynn says:

      It’s funny David, the older I get, the more I recognize the importance of acknowledging those we hold so very dear in hearts. Thank you so much for visiting 💕

      • dfolstad58 says:

        My pleasure Lynn to read your blog. I appreciate you because I enjoy your writing and really relate to what you share. I sense that a planned coffee date with you would go WAY overtime because I would be enjoying the time chatting so much. – David

      • Lynn says:

        What a lovely compliment David. If I find myself travelling through the Okanagan, I will be sure to take you up on that coffee!💕

      • dfolstad58 says:

        My wife and I would love to treat you to that coffee and a tour of the city!

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