My Trifecta Shirt

A few months ago, in the beautiful shop where I work, I was drawn to this shirt.

Not only was it cozy, but I loved the message.

Believe there is good in the world.

I had worn it a few times before I realized there was a message within the message.  A customer pointed it out when I had it on one day in the shop. (Not kidding 😂)

Be the good.

It has become my favourite go to shirt.

With our world feeling so turned upside down, I felt it was worth sharing today.  To spread a message of something other than doom & gloom. To share a smile, a virtual hug & kiss.

So in my attempt of finding a good angle for a selfie, which I totally suck at by the way, I noticed a 3rd message staring back at me.  One of my very favourite words.


Big hugs & kisses💕

I hope that you are all managing okay through these stressful times.  When all else fails, remember to Believe.  

We will get through this together.  Stay safe, stay well & stay home.





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48 Responses to My Trifecta Shirt

  1. Ally Bean says:

    Love it. Believe it. Trying to do it. Great shirt that looks great on you.

  2. Tammy says:

    What a beautiful sight and message, love love love the tshirt, awesome message and love love love you 💖👭 keep shining, and thanks for the virtual kiss Tammy

  3. Sue Slaght says:

    I LOVE that shirt and the message is perfect, all the assorted variations, for the time. Do you know if it is possible to order on line?

    • Lynn says:

      Isn’t it awesome Sue? I know that Karen, our store owner, is in the midst of setting up an online website. I will send it to you as soon as it is up and running.

      In the meantime, you can follow on social media as she posts things every day. She will ship if you see something you like. You can find the shop under Gather on Facebook or #gatherthegoodthings on instagram.

      Sending much love my friend ❤️

  4. That is a great shirt at any time, but especially now. Btw, your selfies are terrific!

  5. Kim says:

    Well said my friend. Your selfie is great. Love you

  6. Jo-Anne says:

    I’m really enjoying your blog Lynn. Love it. Keep up the great work..

    • Lynn says:

      Thank you so much Jo-Anne. It’s been awhile since I have written on a regular basis. It appears I have some time on my hands theses days😂. Appreciate your encouragement 💕

  7. restlessjo says:

    Great t-shirt, lovely lady! Nice message, Lynn. Looking great 🤗💕

  8. There is good in the world it just doesn’t get enough press.

  9. Dwight Hyde says:

    Love it and the selfie❤️

  10. George says:

    Great t-shirt, Lynn!. I love when there are messages within the messages and we can use all those words right now. A great pick me up with a smile..:) Perfect for the times. Stay well, my friend.

    • Lynn says:

      I am glad it brought a smile today George. It’s been a tough few weeks my friend💕. I so appreciate your kind words, today & always🤗

  11. Love the shirt, what a a great message, am sure whenever you wear it, it makes you go the extra mlle to look for opportunities to be the good. It sure applies to tens of thousands of medical professionals who are rushing to NY right now to help in hospitals that are totally overwhelmed with cases.

    Nice selfie too.


    • Lynn says:

      Oh Peta, my heart breaks for our frontline medical workers and the stress they must be feeling. Putting themselves in the midst of this horrible virus every day, working without proper protection and having to make choices no one should gave to make because of lack of equipment.

      What is happening in New York is absolutely gut wrenching. I can only hope that in sending in reinforcements, it helps to regain some positive momentum in dealing with those who are sick. It is just unbelievable.

      Take good care of yourselves ❤️

  12. What great shirt. I’d love one myself

  13. JD says:

    Hello my Friend 😊

    I love everything about this blog today! The message, the shirt and the deliverer (is that a word?🤔). It is very timely and so needed right now. Thank you! 💜

    I didn’t know you are working at Gather, I will have to drop by when things calm down and we get that curve flattened. 🤗 But in the meantime I just might have to order this shirt! 😃

    Take care,
    JD 🎶

    • Lynn says:

      JD! How lovely to have you visit my friend! I semi-retired a few months ago and took a part-time position at Gather. Sadly, with things being what they are, I am not working but hope to return soon. In the meantime, yes, be sure to check us out on social media as Karen is doing porch pick up & she will ship via post.

      I would absolutely love to see you when the curve flattens. Sending you uber love my friend. Thank you so much for your kindness & your visit today 😘

  14. Laura Legge says:

    You rock! Thank you for sending out the positivity. Stay well!

  15. Joanne Sisco says:

    I love the shirt (it looks fantastic on you!) and I love both of the messages. I had picked up the “Be The Good” before I even read the whole message. For some reason it made me think of the line from the Michael Jackson song “if you want to change the world, start with the person in the mirror”.

    • Lynn says:

      I love that you immediately picked up on the Be The Good Joanne. I laughed myself silly when a customer in the store mentioned it, for I initially just took in the whole saying in its entirety 😂

      Man in the Mirror is such an awesome song, and carries a very important message in its lyrics. I may have to crank that one on Alexa today 🤔.

      Take good care my friend. Looking forward to a hike or bike ride together once this all calms down💕.

  16. Ann Coleman says:

    I didn’t see the message within the message until you pointed it out either! But I love it! At a time of great (and understandable) fear and anxiety, it’s important to try to be the good in the world, to see the good that is still in the world and to remember that this will not last forever. Thanks, Lynn!

    • Lynn says:

      Just goes to show you how we all see something different when we look at things, doesn’t it? With so much uncertainty surrounding us, I am trying to make an extra effort each day to look for the positive. If it helps even a teeny bit, to share that with others, I am more than happy to do so.

      Thank you so much for contributing here Anne, I truly appreciate your thoughts💕

  17. Al says:

    Shirt or no, staying positive is the only way to go. Thanks for the uplifting message, Lynn. Stay safe!

  18. I can see why you’d be drawn to that shirt, I would be too!

  19. dfolstad58 says:

    You are going to sell a bunch of those shirts, I hope you are getting a commission. ♥

  20. Jane Lurie says:

    Thank you for some inspiration, Lynn. Virtual hugs are so important now. Be safe, stay healthy.

  21. Gina Newman says:

    I love this shirt. Did you ever post where to get one?

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