Lions & Tigers & Babies…Oh My!

If you are a fan of the Wizard of Oz, you’re probably shaking your head & thinking, what the heck is she talking about?   Shouldn’t that title read, Lions & Tigers & Bears, Oh My?

Well yes is should.  Particularly if your name is Dorothy & you find yourself venturing down the yellow brick road with a scarecrow, a tin man & a dog named Toto.

Well, aside from that fact the The Wizard of Oz is one of my all time favourite movies, I am not Dorothy, but in my world, this title makes perfect sense.

Let me explain.

For some time, my daughter & I have dreamed of planning a trip to Africa together. We have discussed various ways in which we saw this happening,  but to date, finances & time have been our greatest challenge in making this dream a reality.

Until a few weeks ago.

Just when I thought this particular dream was off the table this year, my daughter sent me a message, advising she had just received a well deserved raise.  High fives all around!

This, in & of itself, was cause for celebration.

But it was the next text that followed that had me kicking up my ruby-red slippers.

” Africa, here we come”

Never one to shy away from turning opportunity into reality, once confirming she wasn’t kidding, our planning kicked in to overdrive.  After much juggling of itineraries, we are making this dream a reality, scheduled to head out on an incredible adventure together late this summer.

How freaking lucky am I?

A.  That I get to go on this incredible adventure

B. That I get to share this time with my daughter

So that explains the lions & tigers, but what about the babies?

As if the excitement of going to Africa weren’t enough to having me skipping down the yellow brick road, I have some even more exciting news to share.

Our son & daughter-in-law are embarking on the amazing journey of becoming parents which, of course, means we are going to be grandparents 🤗😄 My heart is absolutely bursting as we anticipate the arrival of this precious new life.

There are few things in life that compare to holding your child in your arms for the very first time, recognizing that you had a hand in creating this beautiful new being.  I have it on good authority that becoming a grandmother is this feeling, multiplied by a cazillion!


The whole premise of this blog began as a way of sharing the ups & downs of Life After 50. Some days life is just hard, but most days there is so much joy to be had.    Somehow, as we age, I think recognizing that joy gets easier, for there is much to be celebrated.

Dreams really do come true!  💛

Have a wonderful weekend! Watch out for flying monkeys!


L 💛



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53 Responses to Lions & Tigers & Babies…Oh My!

  1. Deborah says:

    Many congrats all around Lynn! You are so right, we need to grab at every chance to experience the joys, to balance off the too-frequent sorrows that accompany this stage of life sometimes. I took a much less grand but still very significant trip with Meg to a surf camp in Costa Rica a few years back and it has become one of my fondest memories as a mom.Can’t wait to see your posts from your trip…and eventually…about grandbaby!

    • Lynn says:

      Well said my friend! And speaking of dreams coming true! Meg is fulfilling her dreams, due in part, to the amazing love & family support that has helped to get her there.

      For those reading comments, check out our homegrown rising star! She is awesome. You can have a listen to her 1st hit here:

  2. How exciting all around! Where on the African continent are you going? Planning is half the fun and sharing it with your daughter – perfect. What more can anyone say about grandparenthood except that until it makes growing older a wonderful thing. I have to say that since I’ve turned 60, a couple of years back now, I find I have so much more contentment and appreciation for the priceless little things life brings for those of us privileged to live in a peaceful place.

    • Lynn says:

      How beautifully you describe aging. It seems our senses are heightened to how very precious life is, something that I think is lost on our younger selves.

      As far as the trip, we are headed to Amsterdam for a few days, on to Cape Town area for 5 nights, off to the Shamwari Game Reserve for a safari, then back to Stellenbosch (wine country) for another 3. Originally we were hoping to do a 2 week volunteer stint on the game reserve, combined with some traveling, but timing is an issue so we have to save this for another time😉

  3. Sue Slaght says:

    Oh Lynn congratulations!! I can attest the feeling is like no other and I am thrilled for you and the whole family. A trip to Africa with your daughter? Well how fabulous is that? Sending big hugs your way my friend. Wow!

  4. Al says:

    Congratulations on both the trip and the good news. I still find myself saying, “this is so wonderful, why didn’t I become a grandfather first?!”

  5. Lynn, you hit the lotto girl! Congrats on your exciting trip as well as becoming a Grannie. As for the trip, now that’s the thing to do with a raise – kudos to you and your daughter. Keep us posted. ~James

    • Lynn says:

      I did, didn’t I James! Our daughter had funds set aside for this adventure, but when they determined they had two destination weddings to attend, she was concerned about budgeting for everything. When she got the raise, it took some of the pressure off & decided to seize the day! The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree😉

  6. Heyjude says:

    Congrats on both events! My 7th grandchild arrived a couple of weeks ago, but sadly a long way from me so I won’t get to hold that tiny newborn any time soon. It is a wonderful feeling. As for Africa I see you are going to my favourite city – if you look on this page you’ll find some posts of mine about the region which you might enjoy a browse through. Have fun Lynn 🙂

  7. Jodi says:

    Oh Lynnnnnn!!! I have goosebumps ON TOP of goosebumps! I had a feeling when I read the title of your blog, there was going to be a special announement like YOU BECOMING A GRANDMA! YAY! We get to share that journey, but how wonderful TOO that your daughter GOT A RAISE – YAY – and you get to go on this amazing adventure together! SO SO Happy for you! Hugs from Mars Grandma and Safari Adventurer and Proud Momma! 🙂

  8. Congratulations on both adventures! How exciting!

  9. Africa? Fan-tab-u-lous! New addition to the family? Out of sight. Congratulations all around. Happy weekend. ❤ ❤ ❤
    Love this rendition of Somewhere Over the Rainbow.

    • Lynn says:

      I know Tess, I could explode with all of the excitement! Have you heard this rendition before? It is one of my very favourites!

  10. What a fun post, Lynn. I can’t imagine a better trip and as a grandfather, I can tell you there is no feeling to compare when you hold that little one for the first time.

  11. Ingrid says:

    How exciting and wonderful on all accounts. My daughter and I continue to talk about a gals get away but she’s still finishing up her masters degree. Once that’s done we’ll need to do some celebrating. Be sure and stock up on plenty of film (sounds more fun than media cards). I have a feeling there will be lots of photo ops in your future 🙂 Congratulations 🙂

    • Lynn says:

      Ingrid, I hope you & your daughter have the opportunity in the future. My daughter has been out of school for a few years & we have chatted on & off about doing this. I am so very excited that we are going & I can only imagine how many pictures I will take!

  12. Carolyn says:

    Lynn, We are so excited for you and Kathryn! I’d love to hear about the details! This anticipation of our shared grandchild is so exciting! Lucky baby to have the parents he/she will have ……not to mention the mighty fine grand parents!! Ha!

    • Lynn says:

      Carolyn, it is a dream we have talked about for so long, I am so excited that we are creating the opportunity to make it happen!

      As far as that grandchild, that baby is so very lucky to be born with the parents he/she will have. They will be amazing parents!

      As far as being co-grandparents, I can’t think of 2 people I would rather share this precious being with. Mighty fine indeed!

  13. Roseanna Vachon says:

    Always so inspirational. Already booked a motorcycle trip to Africa next year. So excited too. Thank you for sharing. Have an amazing weekend

  14. Oh My! Congratulations. How exciting. bears I mean tigers or lions at least AND babies. I am assuming it will be the east coast and wildlife parks areas you are talking about. Fab.

    • Lynn says:

      Yes, we are very excited
      Louise! We will actually begin our adventure on the West coast, in Cape Town & work our way east as far as Port Elizabeth. This where we get picked up for our safari which I believe is about an hour & a half further east a we bit north of Port Elizabeth

  15. Martha says:

    So so so happy for all of the adventures coming your way … at home and abroad! Like you, your post carries with it the best energy and light, and the perfect start to my weekend. Thank you for sharing, Lynn.

    • Lynn says:

      Ah Martha, you are the best! Looking so forward to seeing you in the next coming weeks. Have a wonderful weekend my friend!😉

  16. restlessjo says:

    I love it when I come visiting and there’s such lovely news on offer! Many congratulations on the coming grandbaby, Lynn, and I can just about imagine how excited you must be about the trip. Loud squeals!!! 🙂

  17. LB says:

    Lynn! Such wonderful news!
    Congratulations for all the goodness. What I really love is that your daughter, upon getting a raise, thought to share her success with you. You have clearly been a wonderful mother.
    I’ll be so excited to follow along on the Lions, Tigers, and Babies journey!

    • Lynn says:

      Ah, thank you Laurie. I am truly blessed in so many ways, my kids being the biggest blessing of all💛

      • LB says:

        Hi Lynn, I am catching up on blogs this evening, and came over to see what you’ve been up to. No new post means that you are busy and hopefully you are traveling or doing something fun!
        When do you go to Africa?

      • Lynn says:

        Yes, life has been quite busy the past little while, leaving me little time to write. Hoping to put together a little post in the next few days. Africa is not until the latter part of August but lots of exciting things going on over the summer. 😃🎉

      • LB says:

        I will be so ready to follow along on that adventure!

  18. Paul says:

    That’s wonderful Lynn! A new baby and a trip to Africa -wow. Enjoy!

  19. Paul says:

    As an aside Lynn, I just did a guest post over at Mark Bialczak’s. I would be honored if you had the time to drop by for a read. Thank You.

  20. dfolstad58 says:

    Hugs to you also! Wonderful news about baby and I hope Africa is everything and more that you anticipate. Liked both video. Made me want to travel and swim in tropics in 2nd video. It also reminded me of a post in think I wrote a long time ago called klingons firengi and borgs, oh my! I should look for it. 🙂

    • Lynn says:

      David, I am very excited on both accounts! The 2nd video is one of my favourite versions of Somewhere Over the Rainbow, I never tire of it. I have yet to get to Hawaii but I sure hope to some day😉

  21. joannesisco says:

    OOOOO – I actually squealed for you!!! 😀

    Somehow a simple *congratulations* just doesn’t seem to cut it … but I mean it in all the best possible ways. You hit the motherlode of good news ❤
    I expect, of course, you will keep us updated on all the wonderful plans as they progress!

    • Lynn says:

      Joanne, I can feel your squeal of delight! Rest assured, I will keep you updated on all accounts! All plans are in place for Africa, just a few minor details to take care of. Seeing my son & daughter-in-law this weekend so I am anxious to see how much the belly has grown!!!

  22. Cheryl Marsh says:

    🙂 So well deserved, congrats all around and welcome to the ‘Grand Club’, truly the epitome of the ‘golden years’!cheers, God Blesslove, c xo

    Cheryl Marsh

    Date: Fri, 20 May 2016 13:24:19 +0000 To:

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