A Day to Remember

Last winter, our family headed to Whistler, B.C. for a ski vacation, but more importantly, to celebrate the marriage of our son & daughter-in-law.  What a fabulous week we had!

We skied for a few days & indulged ourselves in much frivolity!  Midweek we celebrated the marriage of these two beautiful people.  Today marks their 1st anniversary, so in honour of that, I thought it appropriate to reminisce just a bit.

It was a small, intimate affair, held at the rock circle, overlooking a frozen lake with the mountains majestically looming in the distance.  As we were preparing for the ceremony, a fog rolled in over the lake as if to further bring quiet to an already beautiful, tranquil place.


The boys shovelling snow in the morning to ensure a safe walkway for the bride:)

What began as friendship a number of years ago, evolved in to a deep abiding love.  As I stood there listening to the promises made to one another, my heart filled with such love and pride for this beautiful couple.  This day had been a long time coming.

7 1/2 years of post secondary education, 3 1/2 of those spent over 4000km apart.  Despite all of the challenges this distance presented in their relationship, they believed that theirs was a love worth waiting for.

As I listened to my son pledge his love to his beautiful bride, there was no doubt in my mind that he had chosen to spend his life with the one other person on this earth that makes him whole.

From this day forward I promise you these things.img_5770
I will laugh with you in times of joy and comfort you in times of sorrow.
I will support you and share in your dreams.
I will listen to you with compassion and understanding and speak to you with encouragement.
I will help you when you need it  and step aside when you don’t.
I will remain faithful to you for better or worse, in times of sickness and health.
You are my best friend and I will love and respect you always.

As I read these words once again, I am reminded of the love that shines so brightly from both of you.   This past year has seemingly been, yet another test for both of you, with its share of joy & challenges.  With that being said, your love & commitment continues to grow stronger & more solid than ever.

As you enter into your 2nd year of marriage, I wish you love & joy, today & always.  I love you both so very much!  Happy Anniversary!



A few more pics of the day as well as some of the frivolity!

View More: http://anastasiaphotography.passgallery.com/event/LzrJw134663

Dad & daughter having a moment together.

The Happy Couple

The Happy Couple


Frivolity – Martin Style


Frivolity – MacDonald Style


A perfect day on the mountain!

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20 Responses to A Day to Remember

  1. What beautiful memories! Congrats to your son and daughter-in-law.

  2. sueslaght says:

    What a beautiful day! Thank you for sharing it with us.

  3. Gayle says:

    How lovely…what a wonderful young man….but look at his parents!

  4. Lynn says:

    Awe, thank you Gayle! I appreciate you reading not to mention the lovely compliment:)

  5. Rachel V. says:

    I didnt remember til now that they were married on Janice’s 25th birthday. I will always remember their anniversary now

  6. Sandra Kelly says:

    A beautiful tribute to a beautiful couple.

  7. Carolyn says:

    Thanks Lynn for revisiting a day and a week we all hold dear to our hearts. It was a magical time for such a special couple we love so much!

    • Lynn says:

      It was a magical time indeed Carolyn. We are both so blessed to have such wonderful children. The fact that we have joined as “family” through Jay & Mary just makes this union so much more special. Hugs to you & Glen:)

  8. roseanna vachon says:

    Very lovely Lynn. Thanks for sharing. Roseanna

    Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Rogers network.

  9. What a beautiful couple. The bride was stunning in her gown, shawl and gorgeous flowers. And what a backdrop!

    • Lynn says:

      Thanks Lindsay! The shawl was actually my grandmother’s which of course, made it just that much more special to me that she chose to wear it on her wedding day. The flowers were indeed gorgeous! Mary did everything online with the florist, had never met her or seen anything in person as they live 4000km away. Everything just seemed to work, the least of which was how beautiful Mary looked in her gown! Thank you for dropping in & for leaving your kind comments:)

  10. Pingback: A little Heaven on Earth | Life After 50

  11. beautiful! Love this! Congratulations to all.

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