To You & Yours with Gratitude

With the holiday season upon us, I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude to all of you who follow along with me, on this journey called blogging.

To my fellow bloggers/friends, you continue to inspire me every single day.  Your willingness to open your lives & share your stories, your travels & your photos, enables all of us to grow, to dream & to give thought & consideration to things we may not have experienced in our own lives. The friendships formed through our mutual love of writing, are gifts to be treasured & treasure them I do.

To my fellow readers & followers, thank you from the very bottom of my heart for taking the time to read my posts, to share your thoughts, your opinions & your comments.  There are times when I question whether I should continue to write, only to be told by one of you a post touched you in some way or at the very least, made you smile.  Your love & encouragement is what motivates me to keep going.

As the new year approaches, my heartfelt wish is that we continue to seek ways to find peaceful solutions to the many issues we are facing in this world,  to convey compassion & mutual respect for one another as human beings, for we are all in this together.

As you give thought to changes you may consider in the new year, I encourage you to be all that you can be.  Be inspired & be inspiring.  Believe in yourself & your abilities, for we are our own worst critics.  Be kind to yourself & to those around you.  Try something you may have never tried before, for in doing so, you may find a creative passion you never knew you had.  Live your life in the best way possible,  but most importantly, remember to love the life you are in.

I leave you with the insightful words of F. Scott Fitzgerald:


Wishing you love in your heart & joy in your soul.

10849863_10204541054622877_2684616783220448937_nMerry Christmas!



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28 Responses to To You & Yours with Gratitude

  1. Sue Slaght says:

    A wonderful thought as we head to the new year. Such a pleasure to come to know you in the blogosphere Lynn. hoping our paths will cross in person one day soon. Happy holidays!

  2. Exactly the sort of post I would write if I weren’t such an ungrateful SOB. Merry Christmas, Lynn.

  3. Tammy says:

    I have love in my heart & joy in my soul because of your special friendship dear Lynn!!! Merry Christmas and wonderful New Year to you & yours xo

    • Lynn says:

      I am so grateful you came in to my life my dear friend. Our story is a funny one, that’s for sure, but there is no greater proof of the saying, when one door closes, another one opens. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend Tammy. Wishing you so much happiness today & always!

  4. restlessjo says:

    Makes me want to rush out there and change all immediately, Lynn! Well, after I’ve cooked Christmas dinner 🙂 It’s too easy to get sidetracked from what we really want to do, isn’t it? Thank you for your wise words and your companionship. You too- have a wonderful Christmas and 2016.

    • Lynn says:

      It has been so wonderful getting to know you Jo, following your lovely walks in so many incredible destinations. Thank you for always contributing, it is truly appreciated!

      Merry Christmas my friend!

  5. Ingrid says:

    Beautifully written. And wishing you a very Merry Christmas filled with love and joy.

  6. Glen MacDonald says:

    Love the FSF quote! Merry Christmas dear! Miss you very much. xoxo

    • Lynn says:

      It’s one of my favourites Glen. Wishing you a wonderful weekend with the family!

      I miss you too my friend, I am feeling a visit in early 2016…so get ready!

  7. Beautiful words from both you and Fitzgerald. Have a happy, peaceful Christmas, Lynn.

  8. That is an awesome quote! I am doing a quotes challenge at the moment. This one is particularly apt for this time of year! Merry Christmas.Build some beautiful memories!

    • Lynn says:

      I loved this quote as well, it speaks to so many points we could all learn from! Thank you so much for contributing, truly appreciate the visit! Merry Christmas!

  9. An uplifting post to head into a new year with Lynn. All the best to you and yours.

  10. jesh stg says:

    Good thoughts – life has no rules:) All we have is nos -have a merry Christmas!

  11. Lynn, this is a thoughtful post and good reminder for all bloggers to appreciate why we do it. As we enter our 6th year of blogging, we have many of the same thoughts that you mention. Our rule from the beginning has been that when it stops being fun, we will stop blogging – full stop. And just when we think of slowing down, we get a heartfelt expression of appreciation from a reader, and it re-ignites the flame. And along that line – Terri and I truly appreciate that you still follow along and we hope that you have a fun, relaxing holiday and a wonderful 2016. ~James

    • Lynn says:

      James & Terri, thank you for your lovely comment. I am so glad I was introduced to you both, for I so enjoy reading about your extensive travels & the beautiful pictures you present. I look forward to reading many more posts as you continue your journey. Wishing you both a wonderful holiday season!

  12. Cheryl Marsh says:

    🙂 Big sighs, and huge tx for your VERY thoughtful inspirations.. you are such a gift!!, and we all are so fortunate to have you share with us. Happiest new year wishes and blessings! – look forward to sharing some magic!, and soon at our friends weekend love, c xo

    Cheryl Marsh

    Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2015 18:17:38 +0000 To:

  13. LB says:

    Lynn, this is a lovely post!
    I promise to do my best to be inspired and to be inspiring, and will hope to see things that startle me!
    Please keep writing … you are so very good at it!
    Happiness and health in the coming year!

    • Lynn says:

      Thanks Laurie! You are one of the people I have been so grateful to meet here in this blogosphere world. May we continue to inspire one another my friend!

  14. Happy New Year! I hope you have a great 2016.

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